What I’ve Been Up To

Then and now

My name is Tone Indbryn and I was born in North Vancouver to Norwegian immigrant parents. I started my adult musical journey as a single mother in East Vancouver in the 90’s. At the time I would have fallen into the genre of Anarchoustic armed with a guitar unique voice and a plucky attitude I was fortunate to be a part of the creative evolution and so my journey in the “music scene” began. I have of course developed over the years and expanded my sound more contemporary folk rock with a dash of Jazz lately I find my interest is being slowly drawn towards more progressive expression.

I started song writing while pregnant with my son in the bathtub of all places it just seemed to come to me lyrics, a melody I quickly jumped out of the tub grabbed a paper and started writing a wet  drippy tune about love of course. After that that it was just clockwork something inside of my just clicked, and I haven’t stopped. This desire to write of course is connect to a desire to share and so I have just been feeding that fire to connect with people through music and words. Over the years I have been lucky enough  to perform in some amazing venues some of which are no longer with us, festivals, fundraisers, and  radio shows Leighton Arts Festival, Sunshine Festival, Arts Wells Festival, East Coulee Festival, Music West -( way back in the day) CITR Radio, Coop Radio, The Railway Club, The Rolla Pub, The Blues Can, Mikey’s Juke Joint, The Press Club as well as being a part of an award winning movie soundtrack titled “The Gutter Diaries” the best movie title in the world! I have also dabbled in writing I have two publications with The Poetry Institute of Canada and have written some articles for BC Musician Magazine. I have also dabbled in painting, poetry and photography. It seems the creative process is all connected in varied mediums for me.

I’m currently working on a solo album inspired by my contemplations of becoming an older as a woman and what that means in our society.  There are always ideas simmering in my kitchen. And please check out my music online I have many tunes out there for you to hear straight from my heart.